Nick Bell Design


Nick Bell to co-host seminar at CSM with Ezio Manzini

Nick Bell will co-host a Cultures of Resilience seminar at Central Saint Martins on 1 July with fellow UAL Chair Ezio Manzini. Approaching the conclusion of the Cultures of Resilience project and the end of the UAL Chairs project, the final event titled 'Weaving people and places', will take place with an invited group of participants: UAL academic staff who are members of the CoR meta-project at UAL plus external friends connected to the international DESIS network (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability). The seminar will present material for reflection on this main topic: in which way can art and design become agents for community and place rebuilding? And on this basis, what kind of communities and places do our projects (in this case our CoR projects [including Early Lab]) collaborate to produce?


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