Nick Bell Design


Nick Bell and Early Lab exhibited at Wellcome Collection

An exhibition at the Wellcome Collection exploring the relationship between health and graphic design is featuring Early Lab's work done in collaboration with Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). Displayed is one of the stories charting the experience of accessing mental health services created jointly by NSFT service providers and members of Early Lab's student team. It is an example of the use of a proxy process - a story plotted and made visual in a 3-hour workshop - designed specifically to elicit empathy in service providers for those who might find themselves in the position of carer for a young person enduring mental ill health.

Comprising over 200 objects the exhibition 'Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?' considers the role of graphic design in constructing and communicating healthcare messages around the world, and shows how graphic design has been used to persuade, to inform and to empower.

This exhibition will highlight the widespread and often subliminal nature of graphic design in shaping our environment, our health and our sense of self. Drawn from public and private collections around the world, it will feature work from influential figures in graphic design from the 20th century, as well as from studios and individual designers working today.

'Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?' is curated by graphic designer Lucienne Roberts and design educator Rebecca Wright, founders of publishing house GraphicDesign&, with Shamita Sharmacharja at Wellcome Collection. It runs from 7 September 2017 to 14 January 2018.


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